New article by Ove Hoegh-Guldberg and other scientists in Frontiers in Marine Science.
2019 News
Julia Travers, writing for Inside Philanthropy explains why a prestigious prize went to scientists who broke new ground this year.
Dr. Mann's article in the March issue of Scientific American.
Chris Baynes of The Independent explains why the new choice for climate change panel is dangerous.
Brian Merchant, writing for Gizmodo explains big technology companies are impacting the climate change crisis.
Check out Dr. Michael Mann's conversation with "Uninhabitable Earth" author David Wallace-Wells and the MSNBC Morning Joe crew.
Sean Morrison of the London Evening, explains Wallace Smith Broecker's death and how his life impacted climate science.
Hannah Osborne, writing for the Newsweek, explains how Wallace Smith Broecker was considered the 'Grandfather of Climate Science'.
Kristine Allen, from WPSU, describes the Nerd Nite event in State College.
Kate Yoder, writing for Grist explains how the earth could be entering a future we do not want to live in.
John Schwartz, writing for the New York Times, explains Dr. Wallace S. Broeker's research into the oceans, the atmosphere and the planet's ice gave him a deep understanding of global warming - a term he helped establish in the popular imagination.
Laura Woods, writing for Vice (Canada).
Seth Borenstein of the Associated Press describes Wallace Smith Broecker's death is important.
Collin Breaux, writing for the Panama City News Herald explains how climate change impacted Hurricane Michael.
Sarah Kaplan, from the Washington Post, explains how a 7th grader started a climate change movement.
The Daily Hampshire Gazette explains Julie Brigham-Grette's geological journey through the past 20,000 years.
Lisa Friedman, Kendra Pierre-Louis and Jillian Mock explain the Green New Deal.
Angela K Evens, writing for Boulder Weekly, explained how scientists Warren Washington and Dr. Mann were recognized with environmental achievement award.
Leah Poffenberger explains how Michael Mann is recognized for exceptional achievement in environmental research, sharing the award with Warren Washington.
Dan Desai Martin, writing for Shareblue Media, explains why senate majority leader Mitch McConnell put on record that his party is not interested in saving the planet.