Past Talks and Events 2018
Penn State Fall 2018 Sustainability Showcase Series, Penn State Council of Sustainable Leaders
Fri August 31, 12:00 pm
Dr. Mann will be speaking about Dire Predictions: Understanding Climate Change at the Penn State Sustainability Showcase.
Roundtable on Climate Change & Environment Issues (June 25, 2018)
Wed June 27, 6:00 pm
Philadelphia | PA
Dr. Mann join the Roundtable on Climate Change, Sea Level Rise & Environment Issues as special guest with Andy Kim.
Michael Mann's conference in Moncalieri on climate change(June 22, 2018)
Fri June 22, 6:00 pm
Moncalieri | Italy
Michael Mann held a conference in Moncalieri on Climate change.
Lectio Magistralis - "Ritorno al manicomio: il negazionismo climatico nell'era di Trump", University of Turin (June 22, 2019)
Fri June 22, 6:00 pm
Turin | Italy
Return To The Madhouse: Climate Change Denial in the Age of Trump, University of Venice (June 20, 2018)
Wed June 20, 10:30 am
Venice | Italy
Pianeta 3000 – The monumental challenge of climate change after the Paris Agreement (June 18, 2018)
Tue June 19, 9:30 am
Milan | Italy
Return To The Madhouse: Climate Change Denial in the Age of Trump, Museo delle Scienze
Mon June 18, 10:30 pm
Trent | Italy
Politecnico Milano Invited Seminar by Michael Mann
Mon June 18, 6:30 pm
Dr. Mann's lecture on the monumental challenge of climate change after the Paris Agreement.
La Terra brucia - Conferenza con il climatologo Michael E. Mann, Muse (June 18, 2019)
Mon June 18, 6:00 pm
Trent | Italy
Radio Popolare Festival - Meet professor Michael Mann (June 16, 2018)
Sat June 16, 6:00 pm
Milan | Italy
Spilman Environmental Forum: Conversations on Climate Change, University of Charleston
Tue June 12, 4:30 pm
Charleston | WV
National Academy of Engineering conference, Case Western Reserve University
Thu May 24, 10:00 am
Cleveland | OH
Atlantic Currents: Winds, Waters, and Migrations, Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh
Thu April 19, 7:00 pm
Pittsburgh | PA
The Madhouse Effect: A Post-Election Climate Change Update, Berkshire Community College
Fri April 13, 12:15 pm
Pittsfield | MA