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Now available in UK & Australia via Scribe Publications:
Business Book of the Year 2021, Financial Times (runner-up)
The Wainwright Prize in Nature Writing (long-listed)
Fifteen Best Science & Environment Books 2021, The Times (UK)
Best books of 2021: Climate and Environment, Financial Times (UK)
Top 10 Books of 2021, International Affairs (Oxford University Press)
Noteable Books of 2021, Behavioral Scientist
Best Books of 2021, Pulse of Europe
Best Climate Books of 2021, Bild der Wissenschaft
UK Business Book of the Year 2022 (short-listed)
Best Climate Change Books of All Time by BookAuthority 2025
Blog reviews
A seat at the table in the climate war room — David Wineberg
Ten to Watch: Our favorite climate change book — Climate and Capital
The New Climate War: The Fight to Take Back Our Planet — The Green Spotlight
If you read just one climate book this year, read "The New Climate War" — Brigitte Van Gerven for Citizens Climate Lobby
The Path to (Climate) Victory — Tom Okeefe
A Book Review: “The New Climate War” — Mark Marchand
Michael Mann Takes on Climate ‘Doomists’ in His Latest Book ‘The New Climate War’ — Alex Strachan
Think Again, The New Climate War: 2 books that will make you re-think again — Nikola Zivkovic
Climate Friday — Alex Rühle in the Sueddeusche Zeitung
Alles hat keine Zeit XCVI — Sokratischer Marktplatz
While we're stll all occupied with the pandemic anthropocene adversities advance. — The KHIT Blog
The New Climate War by Michael Mann — Chris Jerrey
We Can't Say We Weren't Warned — Charles Alexander
Books at budtime: spring reading — Barbara Kiser
Neues Buch von Michael E. Mann: Propagandaschlacht ums Klima — Frank Urbansky
We've read Michael Mann's "The New Climate War" so you don't have to — Toxorial
Neues Buch des Klimaforschers Michael E. Mann: Propagandaschlacht ums Klima — Cora Sacher for Greenpeace Energy Magazine
Considering some of the issues raised by “The New Climate War” by Michael Mann — Martin Hodson for The John Ray Initiative
The New Climate War by Michael E. Mann - our reviews — Bärbel Winkler, Timo Lubitz, and John Garrett for Skeptical Science
Klima: Was kann jeder Einzelne tun? — For Franky's Blog
August 2021 Book of the Month: The New Climate War — For World Wise Today
The New Climate War: The Fight to Take Back Our Planet. By Michael E. Mann — For Mrs Geography
Una voce dalla prima linea della nuova guerra del clima — For
If you read only two books this year make them The New Climate War and Silent Earth — Prof Jeff Ollerton for
Michael E. Mann: The New Climate War. The Fight to Take Back the Planet — Martin Hudymač for Medium
The New Climate War by Michael E. Mann — Paul Hormick for The Green Dispatch
Climate Optimism? — Elliott Rabin for
Michael Mann - The New Climate War: Book Review — Adam Hardy for Carbon Watchdog
The New Climate War: The Fight to Take Back Our Planet — Simon Mundy for Smart Thinking Books
How to Address the New Age of Climate Denial — Alex Casey for Population Connection
The New Climate War - a brief review — Peter Gardner for
The New Climate War by Michael Mann — Leonid Schneider for For Better Science
"Mann hits hard on disinformation, exposing how corporations (led by the fossil fuel industry) have delayed climate action and deflected blame. He also holds no punches on the questionable narratives and arguments that have worked their way into the climate debate. This book is blunt, but you will come out of it more equipped to navigate your own feelings on various climate solutions."
―Rosana Xia, LA Times
"Fossil fuel companies have, for decades longer than I have been alive, been the largest contributors to the climate crisis that affects my generation today--all in pursuit of profits and growth. In The New Climate War, Michael Mann holds them to account, and shows us how we can take the bold steps we must all take together to win the battle to save this planet."
―Greta Thunberg, climate activist
"This book takes the reader behind the front lines into the decades long information war waged by the fossil fuel industry and those that share their interests. From his perspective as a leader in the battle for scientific reason, Michael Mann provides hope and a roadmap for all of us to address the systemic issues fueling climate change, and shows how we can come together to wage a new war in the fight for our future."―Leonardo DiCaprio, actor and environmentalist
"Few people bear more scars from the climate wars than Michael Mann--and few have fought longer and harder for a basic, rational approach to dealing with this greatest of crises. Because of his persistence--and that of so many others--we are finally making progress!"―Bill McKibben, author of Falter: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself Out?
"With this book, Michael Mann details the challenges we face from enemies ("inactivists") both without and within while dropping critically important breadcrumbs for us to follow to lead us out of the forest of despair and set us on the path of victory in a battle we must win. We need an army of Michaels, stat!"―Don Cheadle, actor, activist, UN global goodwill ambassador
"Pulling no punches, Michael Mann lays out our predicament and tells the shocking story of persistent climate denial and corporate deception. We are in a war for the planet, but one we are now on the verge of winning. And he deftly cuts through the propaganda and shows us the path forward."―Jerry Brown, California governor, 1975-1983, 2011-2019
"Mann shows that corporations and lobbyists have been successful in convincing us that climate change will be fine, if we just recycle our bottles and turn out the lights. Instead, he says, global warming is a problem way too hot for any one person to handle. He's optimistic though, because he sees what we really can and will do. Read his book, and let's get to work."―Bill Nye, Science Educator, CEO The Planetary Society
"For over two decades, Michael Mann has been our Janus at the gates, defending climate science from corporate-funded insinuations of confusion and suspicion. We would not have progressed this far had it not been for his unflinching and brilliant rejoinders to the traffickers of doubt. This chronicle of ongoing climate injustice may make you mad, but hopefully it will make us act. This is the only civilization we have. Mann is its resolute champion once again."―Paul Hawken, Founder, Project Drawdown
"The New Climate War is an insightful treatise on how the polluting fossil fuel industry and their right-wing allies have deflected the blame for the climate crisis. The book charts a common sense course for collective actions to force government and corporations to make real solutions to the climate crisis-an existential threat to humanity and the planet."―Robert D. Bullard, Professor of Urban Planning and Environmental Policy at Texas Southern University
"The New Climate War is engaging, approachable, and ultimately deeply uplifting. Mann outline a hopeful vision of the transformation we must undertake in order to create a better, brighter future on this planet."
―Sasha Sagan, Author of For Small Creatures Such As We
"Blunt, lucid… Consistently displaying his comprehensive command of climate science and the attendant politics…An expert effectively debunks the false narrative of denialism and advocates communal resistance to fossil fuels."
―Kirkus Reviews
"Michael Mann skillfully explains the complicated dynamics of global warming and vividly portrays the sophisticated and coordinated campaign by polluters to block the policies and solutions needed to solve the climate crisis."
―Al Gore, Former U.S Vice President
"A fascinating journey through the minds and motivations of the champions of climate denialism as well as the more recent climate doomists. Along the way, we learn of the unequivocal scientific evidence and the rapid evolution of technological solutions. Most importantly, public opinion finally seems to be at a 'tipping point' to catalyze political will to leave the next generation a sustainable world - and not a moment too soon!"
―Rosina Bierbaum, former Acting Director of OSTP
"An engrossing mix of footnoted history, acerbic political commentary and personal anecdotes."
―Science News
“This book is a must read not just for people currently working to address climate change but also for those who are new to the climate fight, the latter of whom will learn much about past challenges, struggles, and attacks that have been aimed at climate champions.”
"Michael Mann has written a book about climate change that you not only need to read, but will want to read. It's eye-opening and even fun.”
―Alden Mudge, Book Page
"It is hard to overstate the timely value of Michael Mann’s latest book, “The New Climate War: The Fight to Take Back Our Planet.”
―Centre Daily Times
"prose rattles along, entertaining and horrifying us in equal measure as he exposes scientists, politicians, the conservative media and other supposed experts who have slowed climate action by caring more about the interests of big industry."
―Philippa Nuttall Jones, The New Statesman
Michael Mann may or may not be a Climate Jedi, but he is a climate smart guy and The New Climate War is a must read
―Donald Right, The Globe and Mail
a call to arms in the new war against "inactivists"
―Bob Ward, The Guardian
The New Climate Wars is a punchy, provocative, informed…take on the [climate] crisis, by a respected voice in the climate science and communications field
―John Gibbons, The Irish Times
Mann makes a convincing case that the fight against climate action continues — under different terms of engagement.
―Pilita Clark, The Financial Times
The New Climate War makes a compelling case both for revising the global Green New Deal and for counteracting disinformation from climate sceptics.
―John Meagher, The Independent (of Ireland)
The New Climate War is a detailed, passionate, and insightful overview of the latest schemes by fossil fuel interests and their minions to halt or delay a transition to a clean energy economy.
―Jake Whitney, The Progressive
The book's reflections on the manipulation of public discourse and how to resist the unhelpful trends of modern thinking are not just interesting and varied, they are important.
―David Ferrell, The Canberra Times
The New Climate War is a detailed, passionate, and insightful overview of the latest schemes by fossil fuel interests and their minions to halt or delay a transition to a clean energy economy.
―Sorcha Hamilton, The Irish Times
In the New Climate War..Mann points out how...fossil fuel interests have shifted focus from discrediting the science to decelerating action to transform the carbon economy.
―Art Flynn, The Irish Examiner
An important addition to the pushback against inaction and doom that has delayed action against climate change for too long and led too many to surrender without even a fight.
―David Biello, Sierra Magazine
In this extensively researched book, Mann outlines a plan to hold corporations and governments more accountable for slowing climate change.
―Ellen Wanamaker, Ames Tribune
Mann's voice is especially powerful on the subject.
―David Montgomery, The Washington Post
He wants to keep the focus on systemic rather than individual change, and explains why that's so important. He criticises the denialists, and greed of the corporate bodies who fund them. In doing those things, his book is an asset for us all.
―David Renton, The Ecologist
In this extensively researched book, Mann outlines a plan to hold corporations and governments more accountable for slowing climate change.
―Max Spokes, The Oxford Blue
"Mann believes this 'new war' can be won, and he charts a clear path forward."
―Sue Gilmore, Bay City News
"The #NewClimateWar is a wonderfully confrontational book. Passage after passage reminded me of my daughter’s favorite phrase: 'shots fired!'"
―David Robbins, The Independent (Ireland)
"Mann has combined the roles of groundbreaking scientific researcher, compelling popular communicator, and courageous activist in a way few have since Carl Sagan. His latest book, The New Climate War, provides a thoughtful perspective on the forces impeding meaningful climate action”
―David Carlin, Forbes
"Mann offers readers an absorbing and accessible take on an alarming pattern that stands to shape the course of climate action—and our collective future."
―Rebecca M. Peters, Chatham House (UK)
"an important and highly recommended read."
―Dan Rather, SiriusXM
"This incisive volume will assist the creation of a much-needed collective effort, helping to frame a unified approach to waging combat on those who are destroying the environment for the sake of short term profit."
―Ed Meek, The Arts Fuse
"a fascinating untangling of the intricate web of misinformation, misdirection and deflection perpetuated by the fossil fuel industry since climate change became an incontrovertible reality."
―Deena Robinson,
"Mann’s book, aimed at everyone from young students to longtime activists, alerts the public to the tactics and stakes of this new climate war, and arms readers with the weapons to fight it."
―Oliver Lazarus, National Center for Science Education Summer Newsletter
"[The New Climate War] dreams of a common future of humanity by upholding coexistence between nature and man [and] seeks ways of symbiosis and cooperation."
―K Sahdevan, CounterCurrents
"All three of these books are well worth reading, but if I had to pick one of them to recommend, it would probably be Mann's."
―Gabriel Carlyle, PeaceNews
"his book can jolt you out of despair and 'doomism' over climate change."
―Jean Boivin, Blackrock Investment Institute
"an important and timely book - well worth reading."
―Stephen Shenfield, WSPUS Newsletter
"An engaging, well-documented book about climate politics and the industrial and political forces that have resisted the science of climate change and continue to manipulate and distort public perceptions about its causes and effects."
―Susan Glick, Seacoast Online
"[The New Climate War] is a book relevant to people everywhere, and especially those in our region concerned about environmental change."
―Richard Frost, Adirondack Daily Enterprise
"[The New Climate War] explains very clearly, with researched facts, that the focus on individual behaviors to slow climate chaos is the result of a marketing campaign that has succeeded in guilt tripping the individual and deflecting responsibility from the fossil fuel companies, where it belongs."
―Ruah Swennerfelt, Friends Journal
"Mann’s book is enlightening. Despite the seriousness of the subject, his book entertains, raises awareness, and inspires optimism. That is how we fight for the climate."
―Claudia Detsch, IPS Journal
"a brilliant study of how fossil fuel companies are already changing their tune in this way, and why we shouldn’t listen to them"
―The Times of London (UK)
"Mann is an excellent communicator, and his book is also a very good place to find out what the current climate science actually does and does not say.”
--Bibek Bhattacharya, Mint
Media Reviews
Seven recommended reads on integrity in climate action - Tiffanie Chan for LSE Grantham Research Institute
"The New Climate War: The Fight to Take Back Our Planet" by Michael E. Mann - Rosana Xia for LA Times
Battle for the Earth: The baffling strategies of the fossil fuel industry part1 - Fred Hageneder for Pressenza
Die Strategien der Untätigen - Sandra Pfister for Deutschlandfunk
The New Climate War by Michael E. Mann - Deena Robinson for
An expert effectively debunks the false narrative of denialism and advocates communal resistance to fossil fuels - Kirkus Reviews
The New Climate War: The Fight to Take Back Our Planet - Shelf Awareness
If you read just one climate book this year, read "The New Climate War" - Brigitte Van Gerven for Citizens Climate Lobby
A Rising Tide of Optimism - Richard Schiffman for New Scientist
‘The New Climate War’ exposes tactics of climate change ‘inactivists’ -Carolyn Gramling for Science News Magazine
12 new books explore fresh approaches to act on climate change - Michael Svoboda for Yale Climate Connections
A Review of The New Climate War - Alden Mudge for Book Page
Scientist Mike Mann's must-read book, 'The New Climate War' - Jeff Masters for Yale Climate Connections
3 books on climate change for academics, dummies and deniers - Allison Arieff for Datebook
The New Climate War: an interview with climate scientist Michael E Mann - Joana Partyka for
'The New Climate War’ – Michael E. Mann calls out bad actors - Kendra Reed for AIPT Comics
Climate Watch: Michael Mann’s latest is a must-read for anyone who cares about climate action - Centre Daily Times
Michael Mann Talks Of A New War Against Climate Change In His Book - Sharon Griffin for California Herald
The New Climate War - The Fight to Take Back Our Planet - Tim Campbell for Isthmus
3 books on climate change for academics, dummies and deniers - Allison Arieff for Datebook
The rise of the climate dude - Philippa Nuttall Jones in The New Statesman Newspaper
In his book The New Climate War, Michael Mann is a climate jedi - Donald Right for The Globe and Mail
How to Avoid a Climate Disaster by Bill Gates - Bob Ward for The Guardian
The New Climate Wars: How vested interests delay action - John Gibbons for The Irish Times; Free Version Click HERE
The new politics of climate change - Pilita Clark for The Financial Times
Book Brief - John Meagher for The Independent
It's Up to Us': New Book on Climate Explains Why It's Not Too Late to Save Our Planet - Jake Whitney for The Progressive
American scientist Michael E. Mann exposes the ways we're manipulated by the language of climate change - David Ferrell for The Canberra Times
Beware the climate doomsayers - Sorcha Hamilton for The Irish Times
The New Climate War - Art Flynn for Irish Examinera
Lessons From a Climate Warrior - David Biello for Sierra Club
La inacción climática - Nelson Lagos for @LaTerceracom
Ames library notes: Iowa Climate Action Planning at the library - Ellaen Wanamaker for Ames Tribune
Neues Buch von Michael E. Mann: Propagandaschlacht ums Klima -arank Urbansky for
The Search for Environmental Hope - David Montgomery for Washington Post magazine
Mann verses the oil oligarchy - David Renton for the Ecologist
Kleiner Kanon der Klimaliteratur (small canon of climate literature) - @EnergieWinde
THE NEW CLIMATE WAR – The Fight to Take Back Our Planet (On page 26) - Roger Lohr for Green Energy Times
‘The New Climate War’: Michael E. Mann On How To Fight The Climate Inactivists - Max Spokes for The Oxford Blue
Wir sind so nah dran (Full Article) - Samiha Shafy for Die Zeit
Regional: Earth Day Reading List -- Five New Books With Ideas And Inspiration For Protecting The Planet - Sue Gilmore for Bay City News
Earth Day: Reviews of the latest books on climate change and the best ways to save a planet in peril - David Robin for The Independent (Ireland)
How You Can Fight Back Against The 3 ‘Ds’ Of Climate Inaction - David Carlin for Forbes
The new climate war: the fight to take back our planet (Full Article) - Rebecca M. Peters for Chatham House, UK
The New Climate War - Dan Rather for Dan Rather's America, SiriusXM
How we talk about the climate crisis is increasingly crucial to tackling it - Susanna Rustin for The Guardian
'The New Climate War': Enough of the Doomsayers! - Ed Meek for The Arts Fuse
Die Strategien der Untätigen - Sandra Pfister for Deutschlandfunk
The New Climate War: The Fight to Take Back Our Planet (Full Article) - Oliver Lazarus for National Center for Science Education (NCSE)
A Journey into the Unfamilar Future - K Sahadevan for CounterCurrents
Klimakrise: Ablenken ist das neue Leugen [Climate crisis: distraction is the new denial] - Björn Lohmann for RiffReporter
Nach dem Leugnen [After Denial] - Björn Lohmann for Spektrum der Wissenschaft
Michael Mann, The New Climate War: the fight to take back our planet - Gabriel Carlyle for PeaceNews
2021 summer reading list - Jean Boivin for Blackrock Investment Institute
WSPUS Newsletter - Stephen Shenfield for WSPUS
Getting Ready: Fossil fuel fights and the future - Susan Glick for Seacoast Online
The politics of climate change - Richard Frost for The Adirondack Daily Enterprise
The New Climate War: The Fight to Take Back Our Planet - Ruah Swennerfelt for Friends Journal
Propagandaschlacht ums Klima: Neuer Titel von Michael E. Mann - Claudia Detsch for IPG Journal
Résister à l’inaction climatique - Benjamin Caraco for
To win the new climate war, we need a new strategy - Claudia Detsch for IPS Journal
15 best science and environment books 2021 - The Times of London (UK)
Propagandaschlacht ums Klima - Ulrich Graf for Wochenblatt
Propagandaschlacht ums Klima - Taz News (Germany)
Buchtipp: Propagandaschlacht ums Klima - richtig gut! - ECOreporter (Germany)
Le livre éco de la semaine en VO : la guerre climatique à l'heure du "déni doux" - L'Express (Canada; in French)
Propagandaschlacht ums Klima (Image) - Bild der Wissenschaft (Germany)
Buchtipp: Propagandaschlacht ums Klima - EnergieZukunft (Germany)
5 climate change books that you must read - Bibek Bhattacharya for Mint
Forbes: With Biden, The Whole Climate Will Change
Scientific American: Climate Deniers Shift Tactics to ‘Inactivism’
Our Daily Planet: Dr. Michael Mann’s Plan to Fight Back Against Climate “Inactivists”
Wisconsin Public Radio: The Morning Show with Dr. Michael Mann”
Cheddar: 'The New Climate War' Author Talks Global Warming in 2021
KPCW: Fighting The New Climate War with Author Michael Mann
Clean Technica: Michael Mann Has A New Book About Climate Denial And How To Fight It
Politics and Prose: THE NEW CLIMATE WAR with Bill Nye
State Impact: Climate scientist Michael Mann: U.S. is in position to be a leader on climate change
Radio Ecoshock: The New Climate War: Michael Mann
MPR News: From denial to obstruction: New book charts changing tactics of the fossil fuel lobby
WPSU: Take Note: Michael Mann On Climate Change
Ashbrook Live: Dr. Mann's conversation with Tom Ashbrook of Ashbrook Live
Stabroek News: An overheated planet
KPFA: Michael E. Mann chronicles decades of climate “inactivism” in new book
Science News: A New President, An Ongoing Climate Crisis
North State Public Radio: THE NEW CLIMATE WAR: A Conversation With Michael Mann
Politics and Prose Bookstore: THE NEW CLIMATE WAR with Bill Nye
Commonwealth Club of California: This Moment in Climate With Michael Mann and Leah Stokes
Australian Greens: The New Climate War: an interview with climate scientist Michael E Mann
KALW YourCallRadio: One Planet: Michael Mann On The #NewClimateWar And How To Fight It
WPSU / Allegheny Front: Climate Scientist Michael Mann: ‘We’re Going to Need Every Tool We Have’
MSNBC: Are Biden's actions on climate change enough to make a difference?
Thom Hartmann Program: The NewClimateWar with Dr. Michael Mann
Australian Greens: The New Climate War: an interview with climate scientist Michael E Mann
CBS News: Are Biden's actions on climate change enough to make a difference?
BNN Bloomberg: We need to get past the fossil fuel age, level the playing field for renewables
WWL Radio: Climate change and The New Climate War
MSNBC Morning Joe: Science-based climate policy is back, says author
C-SPAN: Interview with C-SPAN about The New Climate War
CBC News: Prominent climatologist behind 'hockey stick' graph talks about the 'New Climate War'
CBC Radio: Biden’s plans for climate change and what they mean for Canada
Writer's Voice: Michael Mann, THE NEW CLIMATE WAR
ABC TV: Is "climate doom porn" a tactic of the fossil fuel industry?
KPFK: Polluters Try to Blame Climate Change on Personal Responsibility Not the Fossil Fuel Industry
Onward State: 10 Questions With Penn State Climate Expert Michael Mann
WORT Madison: The New Climate War
Crikey: Beware the soft climate doomists
The Juice Media: Juice Podcast 19 | The New Climate War
RNZ Afternoons: Dr Michael E Mann on fighting a new climate war
WITF: MICHAEL MANN, THE NEW CLIMATE WAR-Climate scientist was attacked for “hockey stick” graph
Late Night Live: Late Night Live with Phillip Adams
The Guardian: How to Avoid a Climate Disaster by Bill Gates
BBC News: Why we shouldn't fall for the ‘climate doom porn’ narrative
BBC Radio 4 : BBC Radio 4 Interview
Eric Schwartzman: Climate Scientist Reveals Culprits in War Against Science
JENerational Change: Dr. Michael E. Mann | The New Climate War
KXAN: Weather Q&A: The New Climate War
Reuters: Worried about climate change? There's a book for that
The Guardian: Climatologist Michael E Mann: 'Good people fall victim to doomism. I do too sometimes'
The AI Franken Podcast: Nobel Climate Scientist Michael Mann on Denier Tactics and Idiocy
Brad Blog: Humans are likely cause of shift in Atlantic hurricane cycles, climate study suggests
The Big Issue: Michael E Mann explains why the climate crisis is a war
Kirkus Reviews: 5 Books About Climate Change You Should Read Now
The Revelator: 10 Environmental Books We’re Reading This Spring
Kirkus Reviews: New Book Explains We Can Still Reverse the Effects of Climate Change
KCBS Radio: La inacción climática ["climate inaction"]
DER SPIEGEL: Auch in Deutschland werden Naturkatastrophen zunehmen
EnergieWende Magazine: Ich nenne sie die Inaktivisten" ["I call them the inactivists"]
Die Zeit: Wir sind so nah dran (Full Article)
Forbes: How You Can Fight Back Against The 3 ‘Ds’ Of Climate Inaction
The Assam Tribune: Earth Matters: Renowned climatologist and geophysicist Dr. Michael E. Mann on climate change (Full Article)
Nature: Witness in US climate-change law suit tells all
News24: Earth is changing in terrifying ways. How to calm your climate anxiety
Oxford University Press: Top 10 Books: the International Affairs Christmas reading list 2021