The Climate Crisis: How to Cope - Dr. Mann at the Boston Book Festival

Sat October 14, 1:15 pm

Description: In Charleston: Race, Water and the Coming Storm, Harvard Law’s Susan Crawford examines the impending disaster from sea rise through the lens of race, and takes a heartbreaking look at how one American city’s complacency and denialism about race and climate threatens the futures of its most vulnerable citizens. In Our Fragile Moment, climate scientist Michael Mann presents data that indicates that the worst-case scenario is unlikely to happen “in any scenario but total inaction.” And while US policymakers and the public are subjected to relentless disinformation campaigns sponsored by Fox News and fossil fuel interests, what gives us the most hope for a better future are the advances in technologies that promise fossil fuel-free energy. Jacopo Buongiorno, MIT professor and director of the Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems, authored the influential study The Future of Nuclear Energy in a Carbon-Constrained World. He speaks to innovations in the design and cost of nuclear energy, the most reliable, “always on” carbon-free energy source we have in our arsenal to defeat our reliance on fossil fuels. This eye-opening discussion about climate will be moderated by Armond Cohen, founder and executive director of Clean Air Task Force, an organization that promotes the technology and policy changes necessary for a zero-emissions energy future


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