PCSSM and Mann Research Group at Penn at AGU 2024
The Penn Center for Science Sustainability and the Media (PCSSM) will be at the annual American Geophysical Union meeting in Washington, D.C. from December 9-13, 2024 along with Mann Research Group (MRG) at Penn. Please see below for a schedule of when and where you can find both PCSSM and MRG researchers.
Monday December 9, 2024
Xueke Li & Mike Mann:
8:30-10:00am: A11E. Heat Waves Behind the Scenes: Drivers, Mechanisms, Changes, and Impacts I Oral
Location: Convention Center, 151 B
10:20-11:50am: A12E. Heat Waves Behind the Scenes: Drivers, Mechanisms, Changes, and Impacts II Oral
Location: Convention Center, 151 B
Eryn Campbell
4:00-5:30pm: SY14A: Advancing Equity and Health in Climate Transitions: Multisectoral Strategies for Inclusive Adaptation II Oral
Abstract ID: 1700314
Final Abstract Number & Title: SY14A-08: Communication Opportunities to Address Climate, Health, and Equity Challenges
Presentation Length: 17:15 – 17:25 EST
Location: Marriott Marquis, Independence A-C
Tuesday December 10, 2024
Kenzie Weaver
8:30-10am: NH21A: Assessing Tropical Cyclone Hazards in a Changing Climate I Oral
Abstract ID: 1597376
Final Abstract Number & Title: NH21A-05: Seasonal Variations of Tropical Cyclone Genesis and Landfall Patterns Impacting Southeast Asia in a Warmer Climate
Presentation Length: 09:10 – 09:20 EST
Location: Marriott Marquis, Capitol/Congress
Annabelle Horton
10:20-11:50am: PP22B: Sedimentary Records of Holocene Climate and Environmental Change I Oral
Abstract ID: 1573893
Final Abstract Number & Title: PP22B-02: Can Environmental DNA within Overwash Deposits Identify Nor’easters?
Presentation Length: 10:30 – 10:40 EST
Location: Convention Center, 103 A-B
Xueke Li
1:40-5:30pm: A23F: Heat Waves Behind the Scenes: Drivers, Mechanisms, Changes, and Impacts III Poster
Abstract ID: 1622324
Abstract Title: Concurrent Extremes in August 2023: the Role of Planetary Wave Resonance
Location: Washington Convention Center, Hall D (Poster Hall)
Wednesday December 11, 2024
Shannon Christiansen
8:30-10:00am: PP31A: Advanced Understanding of Tropical-Subtropical Hydroclimate Changes During the Pleistocene, Holocene, and Anthropocene III Oral
Abstract ID: 1716645
Abstract Title: Modeling Last Interglacial and Last Glacial Maximum Hydroclimate in the Neotropics with a focus on the Basin of Mexico
Presentation Length: 08:50 – 09:00 EST
Location: Convention Center, 102 A-B
Chris Larson
8:30am-12:20pm: C31D: Modeling of the Cryosphere: Glaciers and Ice Sheets I Poster
Abstract ID: 1593220
Abstract Title: Simulating the Last Glacial Maximum Using the Earth System Model of Intermediate Complexity, CLIMBER-X
Location: Washington Convention Center, Hall B-C (Poster Hall)
Kenzie Weaver
1:40-5:30pm: GC33H: Dynamic Coastlines amid Changing Sea Levels: Advancements in Understanding of Coastal Hazards and Climate Change Impacts II Poster
Abstract ID: 1596858
Abstract Title: Establishing a Modern Baseline for Potential Evolution of Nor’easter Characteristics in a Changing Climate
Location: Washington Convention Center, Hall D (Poster Hall)
Thursday December 12, 2024
Lauren Lutzke
1:40-5:30pm: SY43C: Make Climate Adaptation Actionable: Cocreation and Decision Support in Local Planning and Policy II Poster
Abstract ID: 1734312
Abstract Title: Communicating Policy: Raising Awareness of Inflation Reduction Act Benefits in Philadelphia
Location: Washington Convention Center, Hall D (Poster Hall)
Kate Staley
2:10-3:40pm: GH43D: Actionable GeoHealth Research for Climate and Health Adaptation and Decision Support I Oral
Abstract ID: 1753325
Final Abstract Number & Title: GH43D-03: Between Dread and Hope: Investigating Climate Change Distress within a Diverse Sample of Gen Z Young Adults
Presentation Length: 14:35 – 14:45 EST
Location: Marriott Marquis, University of DC & Catholic
Friday December 13, 2024
Judit Carrillo
8:30am-12:20pm: PP51B: Astronomical Forcing of Earth’s Paleoclimate System I Poster
Abstract ID: 1620660
Abstract Title: Nonlinearities in the CO2 Dynamics during the Last 3 Million Years
Location: Washington Convention Center, Hall D (Poster Hall)
Heather Kostick
8:30am-12:20pm: GC51H: Advances in Climate Impacts and Adaptation for Urban Resiliency I Poster
Abstract ID: 1732359
Abstract Title: Perceptions of Biodiversity and Human Use of in Cemeteries as Urban Green Space in Philadelphia, PA, USA
Location: Washington Convention Center, Hall B-C (Poster Hall)