Special Event: Science Under Siege
Dr. Michael Mann will be giving a talk on his collaboration with Dr. Peter Hotez on the five forces behind the modern anti-science movement.
Talk Abstract:
Dr. Michael Mann discusses his collaboration with public health scientist Peter Hotez examining the five forces behind the modern-day anti-science movement (the six “P”s, as we’ll call them– the plutocrats, the pros, a group we name collectively the politicians, polluters, and petrostates, another group known as the posers, pretenders and propagandists, and our press). Dr. Mann identify the drivers and their financial backers. Peter and Michael have draw upon on respective front lines experiences on two different fronts of the war on science, namely the campaigns to discredit the science of climate change and COVID-19 and vaccines. They provide a roadmap for dismantling the anti-science leviathan, while telling stories that at times are quite personal. It’s a warning. But it is also a call to arms. For, while there is urgency—unlike any we’ve ever known—there is still agency. We can still avert disaster, if we can understand the nature of the mounting antiscience threat and formulate a strategy to counter it.