Marlowe Hood of AFP News Agency explains how the Paris Agreement goal of capping global warming at 1.5 degrees will not be attainable much longer.
Jason Samenow of The Washington Post Capital Weather Gang explains the recent brutal cold weather.
Paul Rosenberg of Planet Jackson Holel explains the online strategy behind the climate change denialists.
Dr. Michael Mann, Joseph Goffman, Alex Howard, Paul N. Edwards, Juanita Constable, Ben Levitan are quoted in The Environmental Data and Governance Initiative's article Changing the...
Dr. Michael E. Mann's commentary for DS Virgin Racing Formula E Team discussing how we can combat climate change.
David Fogarty of The Strait Times explains the extreme weather already starting in 2018.
David Fogarty of The Strait Times explains the record deep-freeze in the United States.
Dr. Mann and Jennifer Francis joined Marty Moss-Coane of WHYY Radio times to discuss the potential linkages between extreme winter weather and Climate Change.
Brian Palmer of the Natural Resources Defense Council explains Trumps increasing climate denial.
Dr. Michael E. Mann's latest commentary on Climate Reality
Joesph Romm of Climate Progress explains how the natural influences should have made 2017 cooler than normal, but it was actually hotter than normal.
Dr. Mann's commentary in the Bend Bulletin on how Gordon Fulks' Dec. 27 commentary is a dishonest smear against scientists and science.
Susan Atkinson's great commentary for The Salt Lake Tribune with a shout-out for The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars.
Bob Berwyn for Inside Climate News explains why new research suggests human-caused emissions will lead to bigger impacts on heat and extreme weather.
The Real News Network and The Baltimore Beat combine the big climate stories of the year.
Bart Verheggen writes about climate denialist attacks on recent articles about climate denialists.
Dr. Mann and Naomi Oreskes talk with Paul Huttner of MPR News.
Lisa Hymas of Media Matters for America explains why hurricanes, heat waves, wildfires, and beyond have contributed to a terrifying year of disasters in the U.S.
Roddy Scheer and Doug Moss of the Jacksonville Journal-Courier explains how no single hurricane or weather event can be directly linked to the general phenomena known.
Julie Dermansky of the DeSmog Blog explains Pruitt's plans to debate climate science.
Brady Dennis of the Washington Post explains how other Trump government entities have altered their language around global warming.
Dr. Mann's latest interview with Thom Hartmann on The Big Picture.
Rebecca Leber & AJ Vicens of Mother Jones explains how the news in 2009 could have been a blueprint for 2016
Carolyn Gramling, of Science News Magazine, explains why many weather events turned extreme thanks to human-driven climate change.
Randy Showstack of the American Geophysical Union explains how there is still time to prevent dangerous climate change issues.
Dr. Mann participated in a panel discussion with other scientists to discuss how to respond to the global challenge of climate change.
Emily Atkin of The New Republic writes about how the nation's leader of the climate resistance is getting pummeled by global warming.
An AAUP Committee A report on threats to academic freedom in science, focused on international scholarly exchanged and climate science.
Evan Halper of the Los Angeles Times explains a new threat approaching California.
Rolf Schuttenheim of bits of science explains what happens if the sea ice completely disappears.
Dr. Mann appeared in the CNN Global Warming special where Clarissa Ward traveled to Greenland to examine how the melting ice sheet is affecting coastal sea levels.
Bill McKibbin in Rolling stone questions what it will take to get our politicians to seriously act on combating climate change.
Kyla Mandel of DeSmog UK explains how to work out what is legitimate scientific reporting and what is not.
Gabriel J Popkin of Inside Science News Service explains how and why climate skeptics have prospered in the blog atmosphere.
Dana Nuccitelli of The Guardian explains how climate denial blogs are misinforming people with poor scientific arguments.
Look out for Dr. Mann in The Weather Channel Weather Gone Viral "Saving The Planet" episode on December 3rd at 8 PM ET
This article from explains how climate change discussions on social media show the large gap between the facts and climate deniers opinions.
Dr. Mann co-authored a new study by Harvey et al published in the American Institute of Biological Sciences explaining the increasing surface temperatures, arctic sea-ice loss, and other evidence of...
Bill McKibben, Sandra Steingraber, Stephen Mulkey, and Dr. Michael Mann were interviewed for It's Hot In Here WCBN Ann Arbor. Listen to the interview from the 2017 Climate Summit at the link...
Greg Laden explains how Roger Pielke Junior is providing an interesting and helpful response aiding to the big picture of climate change.
Read Peter J. Fontaine's letter to the editor in The Wall Street Journal.
Chris D'Angelo of Huffington Post explains how Trump's suspension of trophy imports will impact the environment.
Read this Letter to the Editor in The Centre Daily Times about how petroleum and natural gas plastics are threatening our quality of life.
Greg Laden's article for his blog explains the different law suits that climate scientists face.
Matthew R. Francis of Smithsonian magazine explains how the popular scientists took the to the presses to paint a dire picture of what nuclear war might look like.
Damian Carrington from The Guardian explains the rise in carbon emissions.
Marlowe Hood, of AFP News Agency explains why we need to be doing more to combat climate change.
Dr. Mann discusses why he thinks we have not reached a tipping point in the culture of climate denial.
Sam Woolfe, writing for The Canary explain how the whole world is involved in climate change and combating global warming.
Steve Hanley of Clean Technica explains the new computer modeling algorithm that can help predict the amount of gases like sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere.