News, Interviews & Commentaries

COP 26 TV -- Sky News (November 2, 2021)

Dr. Mann discussed the latest developments at the COP26 Climate Summit in Glasgow with Sky News.

World Leaders Gather in Glasgow for COP 26 Meetings (November 2, 2021)

Dr. Mann's interview with John Vause for CNN International.

Climate Credibility (October 31, 2021)

Dr. Mann's discussion with Mehdi Hasan on the MSNBC The Mehdi Hasan Show.

Australia has been dragged kicking and screaming to a net zero plan before Glasgow, but we still trail the pack (October 31, 2021)

Michael Mann's and Christopher Wright's latest commentary in The Guardian / Guardian Australia.

G20 Summit - Leaders agree on 1.5 degree climate change target (October 31, 2021)

Dr. Mann discussed the latest climate developments at the G20 summit with BBC World Service.

World Leaders Meet for Final day of G20 Summit (October 31, 2021)

Dr. Mann discussed climate developments at the G20 Summit with Wolf Blitzer on CNN New Day Weekend.

Severe weather from coast to coast (October 27, 2021)

Dr. Mann discussed how climate change is super-charging "bomb cyclones" on NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt.

Michael Mann Interview - Financial Times BBY21 (October 27, 2021)

Dr. Mann's interview with the Financial Times as a shortlistee for the 2021 Business Book of the Year.

COP26: a Changemaker's View (October 24, 2021)

Dr. Mann was one of a diverse group of experts interviewed for this article in Where the Leaves Fall Magazine.

How Best to Save the Planet (October 17, 2021)

Dr. Kim Cobb's and Dr. Michael E. Mann's Letter to the Editor for The New York Times.

Why we need to act on climate change now (October 15, 2021)

Dr. Mann's interview with Ludwig Federigan for The Manila Times.

The low-lying nations worst-hit by climate change (October 14, 2021)

The latest "Michal and Michael" monthly climate discussion (with Michal Nachmany and Michael E. Mann) courtesy of Sky News.

The politics of climate change (October 13, 2021)

By Richard Frost for The Adirondack Daily Enterprise. 

Michael E. Mann & Malcolm Turnbull (October 7, 2021)

Dr. Mann's conversation with former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on climate action and the upcoming COP26 meeting, courtsey of Conversation Six.

What's at stake in our "new climate war" and how to win the fight (October 6, 2021)

Dr. Mann's conversation with Charles Trevail of the Outside In business podcast.

Michael Mann: 'We have to transition away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy' (October 5, 2021)

Dr. Michael Mann's interview with Geoff R Bennett, guest-hosting MSNBC Andrea Mitchell.