News, Interviews & Commentaries

The New Climate War: A Conversation with Dr. Michael E. Mann (April 5, 2021)

Dr. Mann's April 1st conversation with Eric Pooley about the #NewClimateWar, courtesy of Environmental Defense Fund

Ich nenne sie die Inaktivisten" ["I call them the inactivists"] (April 2, 2021)

Dr. Mann's interview on The #NewClimateWar (aka "Propagandaschlacht ums Klima") with Christopher Schrader for EnergieWende Magazine

Every choice matters': can we cling to hope of avoiding 1.5C heating? (April 2, 2021)

A must-read article in The Guardian by Graham Readfearn and Adam Morton.

Kleiner Kanon der Klimaliteratur" ("small canon of climate literature") (April 1, 2021)

Great brief review of The #NewClimateWar (aka "Propagandaschlacht ums Klima") by @EnergieWinde

Net Zero Festival: Michael E Mann confirmed as first keynote speaker (April 1, 2021)

Dr. Mann will be a keynote speaker at the Net Zero Festival held on Sep 29, 2021. Article via James Murray of BusinessGreen.

La inacción climática ["climate inaction"] (Mar 31, 2021)

Great review (en espanol) of The New Climate War by Nelson Lagos for 

New Book Explains We Can Still Reverse the Effects of Climate Change (Mar 20, 2021)

Dr. Mann's interview earlier today about The #NewClimateWar with KCBS Radio's Liz Saint John

Klimaforscher über 'Fakten und Propaganda (Mar 19, 2021)

Dr. Mann's interview about the #NewClimateWar with Susanne Götze of DER SPIEGEL

Michael E Mann explains why the climate crisis is a war (Mar 13, 2021)

Dr. Mann's interview about The New Climate War with Hannah Westwater of The Big Issue

Humans are likely cause of shift in Atlantic hurricane cycles, climate study suggests (Mar 5, 2021)

Dr. Mann's interview with Stephanie Weaver of Fox News / FOX 10 News about the new study, and Dr. Mann's new book

Worried about climate change? There's a book for that (Mar 4, 2021)

By Ned Parker for Reuters: "As the warming world faces raging forest fires, rising seas and increasingly erratic weather, there has been a boom in books about climate change." 

A 20-Year-Old Climate Mystery Has Finally Been Explained (Mar 4, 2021)

Article by Eric Roston and Brian K Sullivan for Bloomberg Green

Mann on Gates: Climate Scientist Says Microsoft Founder 'Wrong-Headed' on Climate Solutions" (Mar 3, 2021)

Dr. Mann's interview on The New Climate War with Brad Friedman of The Brad Blog 

Nobel Climate Scientist Michael Mann on Denier Tactics and Idioc‪y‬ (Feb 28, 2021)

Dr. Mann talked with Al Franken about Texas The New Climate War, winter storm disaster, and much more

How will weaker currents in the Atlantic Ocean affect global climates? (Feb 25, 2021)

Dr. Mann's interview with KCBS Radio about the new "collapsing ocean conveyor belt circulation" article

Weather Q&A: The New Climate War (Feb 22, 2021)

Dr. Mann's interview with David Yeomans with KXAN News of Austin TX.

Dr. Michael E. Mann | The New Climate War (Feb 18, 2021)

Dr. Mann's conversation with Jen Perelman and Peter Hager of JENerationalChange

Is Climate Change Bigger In Texas? (Feb 17, 2021)

Dr. Mann interviewed with Thom Hartmann about the recent texas winter event and climate change.

BBC Radio 4 Interview (Feb 16, 2021)

Dr. Mann discussed the New Climate War with SImon Jack on The BBC Radio 4 Today programme. The conversation begins around 2:40:48.