Dr. Mann's commentary in the Scientific American on the 20th anniversary of the graph that changed climate science.
On the 20th anniversary of the graph that galvanized climate action, it is time to speak out boldly.
Dr. Mann's interview with Big Picture Scientists.
Rachel Paul of The California Aggie explains how there are signs of spring coming earlier at higher latitudes.
Donte Gibson of A Plus explains how there are still ways to combat climate change.
Greta Jochem of Grist explains how 78 percent of Americans believe schools should teach kids about global warming.
Joseph Romm of Think Progress and Climate Progress explains why a slowing Gulf Stream system means catastrophic East Coast flooding will get worse.
Check out Dr. Mann's interview with Pete Dominick on Sirius XM Radio Stand Up with Pete Dominick.
Jesse Nichols and Eve Andrews, of Grist, created an amazing video where they read Dr. Mann's book to a class of real live 7-year-olds.
India Bourke of The New Statesman explains how there is a disparity between the bear's idealized portrayal, and the messy reality of its warming world.
David Spratt, writing for Renew Economy explains how a global warming of 1.5 degrees Celsius is likely just a decade away according to a number of recent studies.
Sam Smith from The New Political explains that there are two fundamental truths about climate change that cannot be died. This opinion piece was written as a reflection on Dr. Mann's March 28...
Maggie Prosser of The New Political discusses Dr. Mann's event at the Templeton-Blackburn Alumni Memorial Auditorium.
Becca King of The Athens News explains how an acclaimed and often critic of climate-change spoke at Ohio University.
Mark Urycki of Idea Stream writes about Dr. Mann's latest lecture at the City Club of Cleveland.
Dana Nuccitelli writes about climate scientists recent comment on Millar et al in Nature Geoscience.
Check out Dr. Mann's new interview with Tom Hodson of WOUB Public Media in Athens Ohio.
Laura Geggel of Live Science explains why a group of scientists are proposing that kitchen table salt be used to help slow climate change through a rather unusual technique.
Climate Denier Roundup explains Pielke Jr.'s words on climate science.
Brian Kahn of Earther explains how oil companies have woken up to the reality of climate change.
Joseph Romm of Climate Progress explains the impacts of global warming that are making nor'easters more instense.
Lydia O'Conner of Huffington Post explains the reason behind the frequency of Nor'easters this March.
Jason Samenow of The Capital Weather Gang explains how a study shows that arctic temperature spikes, dwindling ice, and severe winter weather are all connected.
Olivia Rosane of EcoWatch explains how new research finds that extreme winters are two-to-four times more likely to occur on the East Coast when the Arctic is warmer than average.
Amina Kahn of the Los Angeles Times explains how extreme winter weather across the United States is linked to Arctic warming, especially in the eastern states.
Matt Smith of Seeker explains why the Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet.
Dr. Michael Mann will be talking live with Thom Hartmann about the latest climate change science and politics at 2:05pm on March 13th.
Kiley Kroh from Think Progress explains why John Kelly, the White House chief of staff, killed the idea of Scott Pruitt's climate debate.
Robyn Williams of ABC Radio National ABC Science congratulates Michael Mann on being awarded the Award for Public Engagement with Science from the American Association of the Advancement of Science.
Dr. Mann's interview with Maria Armoudian of Public Interest Media New Zealand.
Gabrielle Monaghan of The Times and The Sunday Times explains why life-threatening weather emergencies are keeping the Irish people confined indoors for days at a time.
Dwayne Harmon of Newburgh Gazette explains how the freak warming around the North Pole that sent a blast of Arctic air over Europe could happen more frequently.
John R. Platt, from The Revelator, wrote a glowing review of the Dr. Mann's new book.
Robin Bravender, E&E News reporter, explains Scott Pruitt's efforts to promote a public climate science debate.
Eleanor Ainge Roy, writing for The Guardian, explains how the traditional scale for storms is not accommodating to the increasing intensity of storms.
Dr. Mann writes about his new book with Megan Herbert from the New Scientist.
We can’t wait for the next generation to solve the problem of climate change but today’s kids can still be a big force for change, says Michael E. Mann.
Joe Romm of Think Progress explains why the planet keeps heating up and melting ice at a 'frightening' pace.
Dr. Mann's latest interview with Steve Curwood for PRI Public Radio International PRI's Living on Earth.
John Bacon of USA today explains why EPA chief Scott Pruitt defended flying first class on the government tab by saying the 'toxic environment politically' has led to uncomfortable...
Stephen Waldron from AAAS congratulates Dr. Mann on his science communication efforts, current research, and several publications.
Victoria University of Wellington explains why the Samoan Prime Minister and climate change action advocate created a climate change conference in Wellington.
Doyle Rice of USA Today, explains the extreme seal level rise seen all around the world.
Brandon Miller of CNN, explains how climate change is impacting how quickly sea level is rising.
Timothy Cama, writer for The Hill, explains how EPA head Scott Pruitt is getting bolder in quesitoning climate change.
Read this opinion piece by Karen Elias in The Express, Lock Haven, PA
Charlie May of Salon, explains why EPA head Scott Pruitt thinks climate change maybe not be so bad.
Chris D'Angelo of The Huffington Post explains why state legislators are trying to change the education standards in Idaho.
Oliver Milman of The Guardian writes about another comment from EPA head Scott Pruitt that proves once again that he his a climate change denier.
Ishaan Tharoor, writing for the Washington Post, explains how President Trump has continued to ignore climate change.