Joseph Romm of Climate Progress explains another attempt by Trump's officials to silence scientists.
Steve Hanley of CleanTechnica explains why it is so unusual for Ireland to experience such a powerful storm.
Lydia O'Connor for Huffington Post explains why it is significant that Ophelia traveled the farthest east that a Category 3 Hurricane has ever traveled in the Atlantic Basin since records began....
Great article by Kerry Emanuel and Adam Sobel in the latest APS Physics, Group on Physics of Climate, newsletter.
Joseph Romm of Climate Progress explains the record-smashing hurricane Ophelia which slammed into Ireland with 119 mph gusts.
The Climate Reality Project announced that Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto, world-renowned climate scientist Dr. Michael E. Mann, and The Heinz Endowments Chairman of the Board André Heinz will...
Greg Laden introduces The Tantrum that Saved the World, a kick starter fueled campaign to produce a children's book about climate change. Visit the kickstarter here
Bob Berwyn for Pacific Standard explains how the new rule-making process wills tart another lengthy battle over climate regulations.
William Gran, writer for The Recorder, explains why Katrina, Sandy, Harvey, Irma, and Maria are obvious signs that climate change is worsening.
Seth Borenstein of Associated Press explains how U.S. meteorologists are saying that this year will tie the record for most billion-dollar weather disasters in the country.
Christian Fullmer's commentary in The Review on remaining environmentally concious.
Park Labrea News Beverly Press announces the La Brea Tar Pits Museum climate change series
Joseph Romm of Climate preogress expalins the weather and climate records that September broke.
Safiya Merchant of The University of Michigan announces that Michael E. Mann will take on those who deny climate change during the Lecture on Academic and Intellectual Freedom.
Michael Mann's interview with Sam Seder on The Ring of Fire radio
Joe lauria of Consortium News. During Hurricane Harvey, a story questioning the wisdom of putting a biocontainment lab on vulnerable Galveston island revealed not only that public hazard but the...
Dr. Mann, distinguished professor of atmospheric science and director of Earth System Science Center, will receive the James H. Shea Award for climate science writing.
Gabriel J Popkin for American Geophysical Union explains why climate researchers are avoiding publicizing their results.
Jeremy Deaton, writer for Eco Watch, explains climate change denial in the U.S. and the silencing of climate scientists.
Laurence Coustal of AFP News explains French President Emmanuel Macron's new 30-milion-euro campaign "Make Climate Great Again".
Dr. Mann received the National Association of Geoscience Teachers James H. Shea Award for climate science communication.
Steve Hanley, writer for Clean Technica, explains the abnormally warm temperatures occurring in the Northeast.
Tom McKay of Gizmodo, explains the heatwave experienced by much of the country this fall.
Piper Townsend of The Vermont Cynic explains the science behind natural disasters
Joseph Romm of Climate Progress explains why scientists were shocked by the heat wave in late September.
Reynard Loki, writer for AlterNet, questions how many more climate change fueled disasters need to occur before the public takes action.
Dr. Mann shares his best advice for younger people.
Joseph Romm of Climate Progress explains the widely misreported study that finds only immediate and deep cuts into carbon pollution can avert a climate catostrophe.
Check out Dr. Mann, Mark C. Freeman, and Stephan Lewandowsky's article in Science Direct.
Nick Hughes, writer for The Snapper of Millersville University explains the facts behind the many hurricanes that landed this season.
Great interview with Shaughnessy Naughton of 314 Action with Paul Basken and Chronicle of Higher Education.
Dr. Michael E. Mann has been awarded the 2017 James Shea Award by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers.
Stefan Rahmstorf of Real Climate questions the possiblity of stying below an increase of 1.5 degrees C.
Bruce Melton of Truthout explains the science behind Hurricane Harvey.
Leon Valsechi of the Centre Daily Times reports that most residents of centre county are skeptical of climate science.
Maddie Stone of Gizmodo, explains a new climate study.
Maddie Stone of Gizmodo, explains how the new climate study does agree with Global Warming.
Chelsea Harvey, writer for E&E News, explains how it is possible for the world too keep temperatures from rising to an average of 1.5C above normal.
Joseph Romm of Climate Progress explains how scientist predicted the rise of super-hurricanes, but deniers are still trying to shut down any climate-hurricane link.
The AFP News Agency explains why these four hurricanes back to back are worth talking about.
Dr. Mann's interview with Sam Seder on The Ring of Fire Radio.
Lawrence Kim of Lancashire Independent News explains the hypocrisy behind Rush LImbaugh's recent decisions
Christopher Joyce of NPR explains how warmer waters and air are playing a role in this year's monster storms.
Dr. Mann, Thomas C Peterson, and Susan Hassol's commentary in Scientific American.
Some links are indisputable; others are more subtle, but the science is improving all the time.
Joseph Romm of Climate Progress explains how climate scientists are requried for planning for a future of Harveys and Irmas.
Greg Laden, writer for Science Blogs, posts is annual back to school posts for teachers and students studying science.
In his interview with Dimitri Lascaris of The Real News Network, Dr. Mann discusses a new study showing that the IPCC has underestimated global warming in the industrial era.
Jessica Corbett of Common Dreams calls out Trump and all climate deniers for treating climate denial like an opinion.
Joseph Romm of Climate Progress explains why everyone else in the U.S. and the world accept climate science.