News, Interviews & Commentaries

Henhouse for Rent -- Only Foxes Need Apply (January 9, 2017)

Dr. Mann's commentary for Columbia University/Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Center for Climate and Life.

The Very Real Threat of Trump's Climate Denialism (January 7, 2017)

Paul A Offit discusses the consequencesof the fact that the incoming Trump administration seems to be in a competition with itself to pretend climate change is not real.

Trump EPA transistion team dominated by climate science deniers; nation and planet deserve better (January 6, 2017)

Hank Lacey's commentary in Natural Resources Today on the Trump administration and specifically his EPA transition team.

The Congressional Attack on Science (January 5, 2017)

Ian Graber-Stiehl of The daily Dose explains why you should care about the governments attacks on climate scientists.

Big Legal Win for Climate Scientist (January 3, 2017)

Scott Jaschik of Inside Higher Ed explains why D.C. appeals court rules that bloggers who compared Dr. Mann to Jerry Sandusky may be sued for defamation.

America's Climate Denial Madhouse (December 30, 2016)

Dr. Mann's interview with Steve Curwood on this week's PRI's Living on Earth via PRL Public Radio International. Listen here or read the transcript. 

Climate researcher's defamation suit about insulting columns is on (December 30, 2016)

John Timmer, writer for, questions whether you can keep calling someone a fraud after they've been cleared multiple times. Focusing on the climate researchers defamation suit...

What Does 2017 Hold for Climate Change Policy? (December 30, 2016)

Stephanie Pappas, a Live Science Contributor, explains the possibilities that 2017 will hold for climate change. Dr. Mann's science is quoted.  

Why Oil Is the Glue That Bonds Trump and Putin (December 30, 2016)

Andrew Nikiforuk of the Tyee explains why oil has fueled the bromance between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. Dr. Mann's input is quoted.  

2017: Return of the Climate Deniers (December 28, 2016)

Kieran Mulvaney discussing the incoming administration which is headed by, and filled with, people who question climate science. 

'Orwellian': scott Walker admin quietly scrubs mentions of 'climate' from 'Climate Change' website (December 26, 2016)

David Edwards of Raw Story discusses how Republican Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's administration has removed the word climate from a Department of Natural Resources website dedicated to climate...

Climate Scientists Defamation Ruling Could Affect Climate Debate (December 23, 2016)

Rachel Leven writes for the Daily Environment Report about the current climate scientist defamation court ruling. 

Michael Mann Wins Court Decision (December 22, 2016)

Greg Laden posted an article on Science Blogs discussing Dr. Mann's recent court win against climate change defamation. Including a statement by Dr. Mann.

Trump's Presidency Comes at the Worst Time for the Planet (December 22, 2016)

Jack Holmes, writer for esquire, further explains how Donald Trump's presidency could negatively affect our climate

Court ruling provides new way for climate scientists to fight intimidation (December 22, 2016)

Andrew Freedman of, writes about how on Thursday a federal appeals court ruled that a climate science researcher can proceed with defamation claims against writers who made false...

The Danger of Being A Climate Scientist (December 21, 2016)

Dr. Mann's interview with NPR/WBEZ Worldview. As a climate researcher, Professor Michael Mann worries about public reaction to his research under the incoming Trump administration. 

This is what the coming attack on climate science could look like (December 18, 2016)

Michael Mann's opinion piece for the Center Daily Times discussing how he fears more attacks on climate science in the future. 

Boone, NC Passes Historic Resolution: Ditch Fossil Fuels, Go 100% Clean Energy (December 16, 2016)

Lorraine Chow of EcoWatch, writes how the people of Boone NC have made an historic decision to convert to clean energy. 

I'm a scientists who has gotten death threats. I fear what may happen under trump (December 16, 2016)

Dr. Mann's opinion piece in the Washington Post discussing his fears after Donald Trump picked Scott Pruitt for Environmental Protection Agency administrator. 

I’m a scientist who has gotten death threats. I fear what may happen under Trump.

My Penn State colleagues looked with horror at the police tape across my office door. I had been opening mail at my desk that afternoon in August 2010 when a dusting of white powder fell from the...

Is Climate Denial Destroying Our Planet (December 12, 2016)

Watch this video of Dr. Mann, Renee Lertzman, Cristine Russell, and Tom Toles discussing the concerns about climate and the new administration. 

He Waged Intimidation Campaigns Against Climate Scientists; Now He's Helping Trump Remake the EPA (December 9, 2016)

One of Trump's pick for the EPA transition team is David Schnare, an attorney for a coal industry-backed nonprofit. Schnare has previously fought campaigns against climate scientists. 

America Adapts - The Climate Change Podcast (December 6, 2015)

Dr. Mann's Podcast with America Adapts on the affects that the Trump administration can have on climate change. 

"The Madhouse House Effect" Interview on KUCI-FM (December 6, 2016)

Check out Dr. Mann's interview iwth Claudia Shambaugh about The Madhouse Effect, the legacy of Ralph Cicerone, and more. 

An Open Letter from Scientists to President-Elect Trump on Climate Change (December 6, 2016)

Michael D. Lemonick, writer for Scientific American, More than 800 Earth scientists and energy experts (and counting) urge the incoming president to take six crucial steps. 

No, global temperatures aren't "plunging" - fake news is acting up (December 5, 2016)

Mihai Andrei of ZME Science, explains that with the rise of social media scientists and the general public have experienced a rise in fake news. 

The Paris Climate Agreement: Donald Trump and the Environment (December 5, 2016)

Amina Zaidi, columnist for The McGill International Review, explains why many scientists are expressing concern over the future of the environment surrounding Donald Trump's...

The trolling of Elon Musk: how US conservatives are attacking green tech (December 3, 2016)

Jamie Doward of The Guardian discusses how Electric-car evangelist, Elon Musk, is the target of concerted negative online campaign linked to influential right wing network.  

Is climate change causing more extreme tornado outbreaks? (December 2, 2016)

Eva Botkin-Kowacski, staff writer for the CS Monitor, says that climate models predict that the conditions just right for tornado creations will be more likely with the rising temperatures....

Take Note: How Climate Change Denial Is Threatening Our Planet (December 2, 2016)

Dr. Mann's interview with WPSU on his new book, Trump, climate change and much more.  

On Climate Change Donald Trump Has No Clue What He Is Talking About (December 2, 2016)

Nagraj Adve, columnist for The Wire, reveals the not so surprising truth about how poorly informed Donald Trump's climate skepticism really is. 

Giant Gatlinburg-Sized Wildfires May Be the New Normal (December 1, 2016)

Michael Sainato and Chelsea Skojec wrote an opinon piece for the observer. In this article they discuss how the 2015 wildfire season in the United States broke records, with more than 10 million...

What happens if NASA stops climate science research? (November 29th, 2016)

Dr. Mann's interview with NPR/KCRW on the possible consequences if NASA ends climate change research. 

Let's stop the manipulation of science (November 29, 2016)

This article from the French newspaper Le Monde, discusses how a hundred scientists ask Europe and the international community to act against endocrine disrupting chemicals, because of their use for...

Six tips for creating a good climate change graphic (November 28 2016)

Roz Pidcock of discusses how to make a simple, eye-catching graphic about climate change with out compromising the science. Dr. Mann's hockey stick graphic is used as an example....

SpaceX wins NASA satellite contract amid talk of slashing earth science budget (November 25, 2016)

CNBC's Robert Ferris congratulates SpaceX on their win of a NASA contract to send a $112 million water-monitoring  satellite into orbit. Dr. Mann is quoted.

Trump will shift NASA's focus to space exploration and end climate change programs based on 'politicized science' (November 23, 2016)

Francesca Chambers, white house correspondent for, reveals that Trump wants to see space exploration as one of NASA's main goals. Shifting away from 'Earth-centric science'...

Game over? Will Global Warming Be Even Worse Than We Think (November 18, 2016)

Scott Sutherland of The Weather Network discusses how climate change could get even worse than meteorologists previously thought. 

In post-election media, colorful thread develops on science - mainly climate science (November 18, 2016)

Steven T. Corneliussen of Physics Today writes about how Donald Trump could possible be "the first anti-science president we have ever had".   

Climate change risks becoming the forgotten threat of the Trump era (November 17, 2016)

George Eaton of discusses how the US president''s multiple defects will distract from the greatest danger to our planet. Dr. Mann is quoted. 

'Global warming doesn't care about the election' (November 16, 2016)

In an article by Ian Johnston, the environment correspondent, Senior NASA scientists suggests that he may resign if Donald Trump tries to skew climate change research results. 

2016 will be the hottest year on record, UN says (November 14, 2016)

In Damian Carrington's article for the Guardian, World Meteorological Organization figures show global temperature is 1.2C above pre-industrial levels and will set a new high for the third year...

These people are literally having climate change nightmares (November 14, 2016)

Renee Lewis writes for about scientists and others who work with climate science's fears about the future impact of a warming earth. Dr. Mann's role in Before the Flood was...

Penn State's Michael Mann is 'cautiously optimistic' about Trump, climate change (November 14, 2016)

Leon Valsechi of the Center Daily Times discusses Dr. Mann's reasons to be cautiously optimistic about President-elects plans to approach climate change.

Trump win won't bring coal rebound, could block climate progress (November 12, 2016)

Ken Ward Jr. a staff writer for the Charleston Gazette-Mail writes how President-elect Donald Trump policies will not increase coal production as much the Coal Associations predict.

Science and technology under a Trump presidency (November 11, 2016)

Nsikan Akpan and Leigh Anne Tiffany discuss how apprehension has brewed among science and health minded communities since the election. 

Q&A Michael Mann on Trump, hockey sticks, Jagermeister regrets (November 11, 2016)

In a Q&A with Greenwire, Dr. Mann discusses why he believes Donald Trump's administration might be "game over" for climate change.

US physicist anxious over Trump administration (November 10, 2016)

US Scientists are responding to the President-Elect Donald Trump with anxiety ovr the stance that his administration will take on Science. Dr. Mann is mentioned. 

Trump's climate policies could mean 'game over' for the planet (November 10, 2016)

Chris Sommerfeldt of the New York Daily News discusses that if Trump lives up to his campaign promises that it could mean "game over" for the planet. Dr. Mann is quoted citing recently...