2014 Selected Commentaries


I did my best to get away from work last week while my family and I were on vacation visiting friends who live in Kalispell, the gateway to Montana’s Glacier National Park. But it wasn’t quite possible. You see, I’m a climate scientist.

Scientific American

The rate of global temperature rise mayhave hit a plateau, but a climate crisis still looms in the near future

The Huffington Post

The fact that global surface temperatures have not increased as much over the past decade as many climate models predict they should have, doesn’t necessarily contradict the model predictions at all.

The Guardian

A State Department report fails to take into account the full climate impacts of Keystone XL. Who is Obama protecting?

The New York Times

The overwhelming consensus among climate scientists is that human-caused climate change is happening. Yet a fringe minority of our populace clings to an irrational rejection of well-established science.