Dr. Mann's interview with Susanne Ehlerding of Tagesspiegel.
2021 Interviews
Michael Mann's conversation about The New Climate War with Earth.Org founder Constant Tedder.
Michael Mann's interview with Thom Hartmann on zombie forest fires.
Dr. Mann's second conversation with Daniel Murray of The Business Post on what he would do to make a difference to the global environment.
Dr. Mann's first conversation with Daniel Murray of The Business Post about the dangers of climate doomism.
Michael Mann talks with David Westin of Bloomberg Radio on The New Climate War.
Michael Mann speaks with Sky News for special Earth Day eiditon of the new Sky News Daily Climate Show.
Dr. Mann's interview with Judy Woodruff on The PBS PBS NewsHour.
Dr. Mann spoke with ABC News Australia 7.30's Andy Park for their fourth and final segment on the climate crisis.
The third-part in a four-part series on the climate crisis with Dr. Michael Mann and ABC News Australia 7.30's Andy Park.
Dr. Mann's second interview with ABC News Australia 7.30's Andy Park on the climate crisis in a four-part series.
Michaela Barnett, of Behavioral Scientist, interviews climate scientist Michael Mann on how to overcome climate anxiety.
The first segment in a four-part series on the climate change crisis with Dr. Michael Mann and ABC News Australia 7.30's Andy Park.
Dr. Mann discussed political will power in solving the climate crisis with The Wire.in's Kabir Agarwal.
Dr. Mann's interview with Samiha Shafy of Die Zeit on The New Climate War
Dr. Mann's interview with the youth leaders of The CLEO Institute (House on Fire podcast).
Dr. Mann's latest interview with the great Thom Hartmann.
Dr. Mann's April 1st conversation with Eric Pooley about the #NewClimateWar, courtesy of Environmental Defense Fund
Great review (en espanol) of The New Climate War by Nelson Lagos for Latercera.com
Dr. Mann's interview earlier today about The #NewClimateWar with KCBS Radio's Liz Saint John