Dr. Mann's conversation on the new UN climate report with Pete Dominick on Stand Up with Pete Dominick.
2022 Interviews
Dr. Mann discussed the new UN Climate Impacts Report with Thom Hartmann.
Dr. Mann's conversation with Rob Ferret on Wisconsin Public Radio.
Dr. Mann discussed the Biden Admin's new climate screening tool with Zerlina Maxwell of NBC / Peacock TV's Zerlina on Peacock.
Dr. Mann talked with Anthony Scaramucci about The New Climate War on MoochFM Podcast.
Dr. Mann's conversation with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at the House Oversight Committee Hearing (segment starts at about 3:24:32)
Dr. Mann's conversation about the new NOAA report with Katy Tur on MSNBC.
A segment of Dr. Mann's exchange with Ro Khanna on fossil fuel disinformation, featured on Democracy Now!.
Dr. Mann discussed "Don't Look Up" with Anna Jones and Katerina Vittozzi of the Sky News ClimateCast (podcast).
Dr. Mann spoke with Blondie co-founders Debbie Harry and Chris Stein about ancient climate history, preventing climate armageddon, and climate and agriculture.
Dr. Mann's interview with Alex Verbeek on The Planet Podcast.
Dr. Mann's interview with Steve Curwood on PRX's Living on Earth.
Berrnicce Lee and Michael Mann discussed climate change, energy security and the huge cost of climate inaction with presenter Anna Jones.
Dr. Mann's conversation about the film, the climate crisis, "geoengineering" and more, with Jen Perelman and Peter Hager on The JENerational Change podcast.
Dr. Mann spoke with Julian Siddle of BBC News on the record 2021 ocean heat and what it says aboutt the unfolding climate crisis (segment starts at 14:30).
Dr. Mann spoke with Julian Siddle of BBC News (Science in Action) on the record 2021 ocean heat (segment starts at about 14:30).
Dr. Mann gave a guest lecture for Jonathan Brockopp's Penn State climate ethics course.
Dr. Mann's full conversation with Don't Look Up Director Adam McKay about the film and the takeaway message about the climate crisis.
Dr. Mann talked about the latest U.S. carbon emissions numbers with Dave Briggs of Morning Rush on Newsy.
Dr. Mann's interview about climate change and the Colorado fires on The Weather Channel's Weather Underground with Alex Wilson and Mark Elliot.