In article written by Chris D'Angelo of Huffington Post discusses how July was the hottest month since at least 1880 continues a streak of record-smashing temperatures. Dr. Mann is quoted.
2016 News
In an article written for the Huffington Post, Lydia O'Connor writes about the damaging weather events occuring in 2016. Just a little over halfway into 2016 and the flooding in Lousiana is not the only climate disaster.
Click the link below to read the transcript of Dr. Mann's interview with GreenSportsBlog.
This is the first in a two-part series by Nexus Media News on the challenges of reporting on climate change. Dr. Mann is quoted in the article.
Groups against climate science have been fighting to expose scientists emails in an effort to thwart their research. They had some success recently when the court decided to make the emails public.
Jason Samenow from The Capital Weather Gang discusses claims about how the jet stream crossing the equator affects the climate. Jason Samenow believes it is not a climate emergency and Dr. Mann agrees.
Oliver Milman of The Guardian writes about new environmental records. Temperatures, sea levels and carbon dioxide all hit milestones amid extreme weather in 2015.
An article writen by Bob Berwyn discusses how 2015 featured record warm temperatures on every inhabited continent as ice melted and the seas rose at alarming rates. Dr. Mann is quoted.
Former West Bengal Governor Gopalkrishna Gandhi and author Amitav Ghosh discuss why India is being covered in rain in recent days. Dr. Manns science is mentioned
Michael Mann writes for LeaderPost about addressing the false facts that come up in some narratives about climate change.
Emily Lundberg Ecosystem Marketplace discusses how the media is aiding the public skepticism.
Dr. Mann writes an article for Huffington Post about his testimony infront of the Democratic Party Platform drafting committee.
Dr. Michael E. Mann writes for Eco Watch and disscusses how the government is influencing the discourse around climate change and climate science.
Chris Mooney from The Washington Post discusses the alarming results from new cloud study. The study shows that clouds are shifting their distributions across Earth as a result of climate change.
Scott O'Reilly from The Alternative Daily discusses ways every day people can prepare themselves and their family for the increase in disastrous weather events. Dr. Mann is mentioned.
Ed Pilkington and Mona Chalabi discuss how the new Guardian US survey reveals anger of voters as election year debate fails to deal with concerns over the gathering global disaster. Dr. Mann is mentioned.
Glynis Board from West Virginia pulbic broadcasting addresses the debate over whether the flooding in West Virginia was a result of climate change or a natural disaster. Dr. Mann is quoted.
Katy Diagle from the Associated Press writes about how global warming is affecting the monsoon seasons and farmers across India and Asia. Dr. Mann was not invovled in the study but he is quoted in the article.
Dr. Mann addresses the falsehoods spread by Ken Allred in the St. Albert Gazette.