2016 News

Elliott Negin, senior writer at the Huffington Post, disscuses ExxonMobile's reluctance to comply with the Attourney General's fraud investigation. Dr. Mann and other climate scientists are mentioned.

Casey Williams from the Huffington Post discusses the wildfires in Canada. Dr. Mann is quoted saying that the conditions that made these wilfires possible are the unsually warm and dry winters that the region has experienced. Almost certainly due to climate change.

Dan Falk, writing for Mental_Floss discusses a new study pulbished in Nature Scientific Reports that shows people have been tracking changes in climate since the 17th and 15th centuries in Europe and Japan. Dr. Michael Mann is quoted.

Dr. Michael Mann writes a letter to the editor.

ESSC director Dr. Michael E. Mann, alumnus Dr. Michael Kozar, and researcher Sonya K. Miller have released their 2016 North Atlantic Hurricane Season forecast. They are calling for a more active season.


Chris Mooney from The Washington Post discusses how global warming can have a negative effect on the world's ocean

John Swain from Carbon Brief names Dr. Mann the top climate "connector" on Twitter. He also disscusses how Twitter has become a popular platform for discussing climate change between scientists, politicians, and journalist.

Neela Banarjee from Inside Climate News discusses how Exxon and their allies are invoking free speech protections in pushback against subpoenas from the government seeking decades of documents regarding climate change. The article mentions past attemps to gain Dr. Michael Mann's research during his tenure at the University of Virginia.

The increased melting from the Antartic is leading to an increase in water levels along the world's coastlines says John Upton from Climate Central. Dr Michael Mann is quoted.

Deirdre Fulton from EcoWatch discusses how March broke the record once again for hottest month since at least 1891.

Sammy Roth from The Desert Sun discusses why climate activist hope to end coal, oil, and natural gass extraction on public land.

Bob Henson from WunderBlog dicsusses a large area of cooler-than-normal water that has persisted in the far North Atlantic for more than two years. Dr. Michael Mann is quoted.

Michael. E. Mann and Trude Storelvmo, from Yale, discuss her group's latest research, and what it implies for scientists' efforts to identify the most critical and challening farameter for estimating future average global temperature.

Renee Lewis of Fusion discusses how a new map of global ocean levels recently revealed a relentless rise due to cliamte change.

Dr. Mann writes about how Fossil Fuel companies hae ben misleading the public and policymakers about the risks of their products for decades.

On Friday, March 25, CSLDF filed a breif arguing for protection of climate scientists' private files against invasive open records requests by the Energy & Environment Legal Institute.

Dr. Mann responds to a letter written by Rick heiberg which states that the reality of human-caused climate change is "[sic] far-from 'settled' in the actual community of climate scientists".

A group of scientists say that global warming slowdown undoubtedly happened, but now the Earth's temperatures are back on the rise. Dr. Mann is quoted.

A new U.S. Gallup poll indicates that more Americans are conserned about global warming now than before. Dr. Mann is mentioned in the article.

Michael Halpern from The Union of Concerned Scientists discusses the scrutiny that many climate scientists are reciving about the supposed gap in global warming. Dr. Mann is mentioned.