News, Interviews & Commentaries

Hard to Predict Severity of El Nino Events (June 9, 2019)

Audrey Tan, writing for The Starists Time, explains how hard it is to predict what will be brought by El Nino Events.

Impact of El Nino: A peek into a changing world (June 9, 2019)

Audrey Tan further explains the impact of El Nino in this changing world.

Restore PA Requires 20 Years of Natural Gas Production. Some Progressive Legislators Aren’t Ready to Sign On (June 7, 2019)

Stephaen Caruso, writing for Pennsylvania Capital-Star, discusses how PA's state House progressives standing strong against infrastructure plan.

Retraction and Apology to Michael Mann (June 7, 2019)

the Frontier Centre retracts allegation and apologizes to Dr. Mann.

How Climate Change Could Be Linked to Stronger Hurricanes (June 7, 2019)

John Morales and Brandon Lopez via NBC Miami, explains how climate change could be linked to stronger hurricanes.

Michael Mann Wins (June 7, 2019)

Greg Laden claims Dr. Mann's victory on successfully predicted the trend of climate change, forcing Frontier Center to apologize.

Sloan: Why Is Climate-Denier Ken Cuccinelli Suddenly An Environmentalist? (June 5, 2019)

Melanie Sloan explains what has turned Climate Denier Ken Cuccinelli into an environmentalist.

Trump War On Climate Science Will Cost American Lives (June 2, 2019)

Steve Hanley, writing for Cleantechnica, explains why Trump's climate war is a catastrophic event for American.

Dr. Mann's Latest Interview on Current Politics of Climate Change (June 1, 2019)

Dr Mann's recent interview with Michael Smerconish on the current politics of climate change via SiriusXM POTUS radio.

Climate Wars Heat up in Washington (May 31, 2019)

"A green wave is sweeping through Washington, and it’s picking up Republicans who are eager to share their ideas on clean energy and climate change." by Science Friday.

The Republican War on Science (May 31, 2019)

Kevin Foley speaks out for opposing war brought by the Republican on climate change on Marietta Daily Journal.

Downburst, Not Tornado, Damaged Trees at R.B. Winter (May 31, 2019)

Eric Scicchitano tells us what is the true cause of damaged tress at R.B river via Dailyitem.

One Big Thing: Science Has Solidified Post-Paris Decision (May 31, 2019)

Andrew Freedman describes the big picture of climate science that has solified post-Paris Decision via Axios.

Climate change, Tornadoes and Trump Administration's Latest Effort to Stifle Climate Science (May 30, 2019)

Dr. Mann's interview with Pete Dominick on SirusXM stand UP with Pete Dominick on Climate change, tornadoes and Trump Administration's Latest Effort to Stifle Climate Science

Presidential Candidate Jay Inslee Fears the Climate Crisis Will Kill Us All (May 30, 2019)

Mathew Rozsa had an interview with Presidential candidate Jay Inslee via Salon.

Trump Wants to End Worst-Case Climate Scenario Modeling. Here's Why That Matters (May 30, 2019)

Kate Wheeling via Psmag discusses that the president is limiting the scope of federal climate assessments, leaving policmakers and the public unprepared to deal with climate change.

Facebook is A Big Obstacle to Averting Climate Catastrophe, Scientists Say (May 29, 2019)

Joe Romm talking about Facebook escalating war on truth with fake Pelosi Video.

Floods, Tornadoes, Snow in May: Extreme weather Driven by Climate Change Across US (May 29, 2019)

Elizabeth Weise and Doyle Rice explains the driven force behind a series of extreme weather event during May on USA TODAY.

Inside the Trump Administration’s War on Science Itself (May 28, 2019)

"President Trump administration has escalated its crusade against policies combating climate change by attacking the science behind global warming." by Matther Rozsa and Salon on AlertNet.

The Adults Respond: We are Joining the Climate Strikes (May 25, 2019)

Global Climate calling for more people to join their strike action on climate change.

We Are Stepping up - Join Us for a Day to Halt this Climate Crisis (May 25, 2019)

"We’re calling for a global strike on 20 September. Disrupting our normal lives is the only way to secure our future." by Naomi Klein via The Guardian.

'Ice on Fire': Film Review (May 24, 2019)

Leslie Felperin writes an review for climate change film 'Ice on Fire" documentary directed by Leonardo DiCaprio.

Jay Inslee has a Plan for Saving Earth. So Why is He at 0.8 Percent in the Polls? (May 24, 2019)

Will Bunch explains why Jay Inslee with a plan for saving Earth is at 0.8 percent in the poll via The Philadelphia Inquirer.

Experts Call out Trump's EPA for Redefining Environmental Standards to Allow for More Air Pollution (May 23, 2019)

Matther Rozsa's article about Trump his administration planning on easier environmental standards to allow more air pollution via Salon

Czar Cooch? Let’s Look at How Ken Cuccinelli Embarrassed Virginia (May 22, 2019)

"Just how bad of an attorney general was Trump's likely new "Immigration Czar"? ..." by Blue Virginia.

Climate Change Won't Wait Unitel 2020 - We Need Bipartisan Action Now (May 21, 2019)

Dr. Mann's latest commentary on climate activists pushing the herd of 2020 candidates toward bold climate policies.

'The Fight Is Not Over,' Say Groups, as Coal Lover Wins Re-Election in Australia (May 20, 2019)

"If the climate-wreckers in the coalition think we're going to go away quietly, they've got another thing coming," says Andrea Germanos.

Did the Earth Just Lose Australia’s Climate Election? (May 20, 2019)

Oliva Rosane explains losses for our earth from Australia's climate election via EcoWatch.

‘We Have Lost Australia for Now,’ Warns Climate Scientist in Wake of Election Upset (May 18, 2019)

Joe Romm discusses the unexpected victory of conservatives in Australia's election is bad news for the future of global climate action via thinkprogress.

We Are All Part of Exxon’s Uncharted Climate Experiment Now (May 16, 2019)

Andy Rowell discusses via EcoWatch on us being part of Exxon's Uncharted Climate Experiment for now.

"Jordan Harris' Anti-science Column Reads Like that of a True Koch Loyalist" (May 16, 2019)

Dr. Mann's op-ed on Jordan Harris' recent commentay in his paper "The Green New Deal is Really the 'Green Scare' over climate change" via Courier Journal.

Exxon Predicted in 1982 Exactly How High Global Carbon Emissions Woulbe Today (May 14, 2019)

Kyla Mandel describes how accurate Exxon had predicted in 1982 about the global carbon emissions level today via Thinkprogess.

Carbon Dioxide Soars to Record-Breaking Levels Not Seen in at Least 800,000 Years (May 14, 2019)

Yasemin Saplakoglu and Staff writer says on Livescience that Carbon Dioxide had break the there is more cabon dioxide inthe atmosphere thatn there has been for 800,000 years.

Extremes Are the New Norm: Why This Cold Spell is Lingering (May 13, 2019)

Pete Bouchard explains why the recent cold weather is still lingering around.

How the Mainstream Media Ignores the Climate Change Crisis (May 12, 2019)

A talk via the Real News on the  reality of climate change crisis.

Joe Biden Looks To Revive Obama’s Climate Plan. Scientists Say That’s Not Good Enough (May 12, 2019)

The 2020 Democratic candidate’s plan to tackle the climate crisis, which he’s called an “existential” threat, reportedly includes a role for fossil fuels.

Mike Pompeo Praises Climate Change in the Arctic as ‘New Opportunities for Trade’ (May 7, 2019)

Davis Richardson discusses Secretary of State Mike Pompeo calling Arctic's melting ice caps "new opportunities for trade" on Observer.

Stony Brook Celebrates the Earth in Annual Festival ( May 7, 2019)

Stony Brook held its annual week-long Earth stock celebration in celebration of Earth Day.

Climate Change Turns Cyclone Fani So Servere (May 4, 2019)

Author of Times of India explains how climate change had turned Fani a severe hurricane.

As Long As We Take Action, We Preserve a Better Future (May 4, 2019)

Katie Neitz reports and discusses the lecture given by Dr. Michael Mann on April 16 at Lafayette.

Michael E. Mann and Michael B. Lubic join NCSE's Board of Directors (May 1, 2019)

National Center for Science Education introduces its new members Michael Mann and Michael B. Lubic.

The Koch Brothers are Funding Facebook’s Newest Fact-checking Partner (April 30, 2019)

Poala Rosa-Aquino writes an article on whether Facebook is trying to solve fake news by partnering with climate deniers on

How to Fight Climate Change Deniers (April 29, 2019)

Michael Mann's interview with The Young Turks' on how to fight climate change deniers.

Facebook's Newest 'Fake Checkers' are Koch-funded Climate Deniers (April 29, 2019)

Joe Romm wrote an article on Facebook founder and CEO keeping dashing hope of a positive force from a media platform in the fight against climate change.

OP-ED: Ball Column Misinforms Readers. (April 28, 2019)

Dr. Mann wrote an OP-ED response for Observer Reporter on Dave Ball's April 20's commentary.